Wednesday, March 14, 2007


March, week two:
Another image from my trip to Seattle... Here is a picture of one of the birds that was flying right next to us as we rode the ferry from Bainbridge Island back to Seattle. The original image was slightly washed out, so I had to downplay the blue channel during black-and-white conversion to regain some contrast between the sky and the clouds. Otherwise, I didn't use any new technique for the monochrome conversion. I'm happy with the detail, which was aided by the bird flying so close to us. It was gliding so peacefully...

Image details:
Date and location: 3/5/7 at 16:03 PST, Bainbridge Island Ferry, Puget Sound, WA
Equipment: Canon 30D, 17-85mm IS lens, Hoya SMC UV filter
Settings: 85mm, handheld with IS, ISO 100, f/10.0, 1/320 sec, shot in raw
Processing: raw conversion in Aperture v1.5.2 -> export as jpg to PS7 -> USM (150, 0.5, 0) -> crop -> resize -> USM (100, 0.5, 0) -> channel mixer monochrome (100, 100, -100, 0) -> watermark/border -> save for web
Photo-a-week goals addressed: #1 (b+w), #9 (action), #17 (wildlife)


Terra Photography said...

Nice shot! You did a great job with the contrast to keep the detail in its wings/feathers.

puzzled p said...

Very nice. The detail is fantastic. I'm going to be visiting Seattle in just over one month - can't wait!

Kelly Steele said...

Great light! I like how it outlines the feathers at the back of the wings.

bvlindalou said...

nice and sharp. good job at getting the contrast in the sky.

Obsidian said...

This is a very well processed shot, especially with the sky detail. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I really like how this turned out. Love the details in the feathers.

Anonymous said...

Great job on getting detail in both the bird and the sky. I like how effortlessly the bird appears to be gliding, the B&W helps to add to that sense of calmness.